Got a product or service you want people to know about? Looking for a way to reach a diverse market? You've come to the right place! Your vision is our guide. We start from the basics and build around the 'framework'; the message your advert wants to convey. Effective, yet simplistic is our style. The distinction in an oversaturated market is paramount. Working with Network Nexus allows you to create, develop, and refine your content to your Target-Market. High-Quality Animation & Design with low-cost Production benefits you & your Clients.

Before we even begin the animation process, we first perform extensive research and development, and depending on the project we will create our own reference or go out into the world to find something that inspires us. Here is an example from our Death By Chili project, this is a side-by-side comparison showcasing the creative process that went into creating the visuals of the ad and where we got a lot of our inspiration.


Another large part of our creative process is world-building. We oftentimes will begin developing the visual style we have in mind along with the environment and world before we begin writing our scripts or designing our characters. Here is an example from the trailer we created for Moksharthi: Vol 1. This was a project where we had to animate in a more picturebook inspired art-style, so we took the time to develop a new art style tailored specifically for the project. Below you can see some very rough early concept art from the project.

One of the most important parts of our creative process is character design. After we have established the world and environment the project will take place in, we usually begin creating the characters that have to live within it. Characters are also usually developed during the story building part of our creative process, but this is usually when we begin concept art for characters.

One of the final steps in our creative process is creating and developing the story for the project and beginning the storyboarding process. Here are 2 examples showing the development of Moksharthi: Vol 1.

After storyboarding, we will begin the animatic process which gives us a rough idea of what the final animation will look like. We strive to see your ideas come to fruition in your desired style, with high-quality as the top priority.


Join us as we take an in-depth look into our Asia-Pacific Studio; Kozcus Studios, led by Carl Valencia.

We would love to hear more about your project and help get it on its feet! Fill out the following form to request animation services, voice-over services, or multimedia asset services. Upon form submission, we will evaluate your project. Assets will be requested if you meet preliminary conditions.
For other direct business inquires contact us at contactus@networknexusstudios.com