We provide voice over artists for your project. We can send out a casting call to our 800+ actors. Our talent can do live directed recordings, ADR, and prelay. At the moment we are doing remote recording for all talent.

Sometimes a project has a variety of characters that need voices, and it can be difficult getting the right voices who will bring the characters to life! We can provide casting for your project. We can do a private casting call utilizing our talent pool of 800+ actors. You can be involved with the process as much or as little as you would like. Our goal is to provide you with the perfect voices for your needs.

Working directly with actors can be difficult if you have no experience with it. Even a director of a big project will not direct the actors because he/she is busy with all their other responsibilities as well as doesn't have the skills necessary to bring out the best performance from the actors. In these cases a Voice Over Director will be hired to keep all the talent within the vision of the director/creator of the project. VO Directors are pivotal to every project that uses voice talent.

Here is a behind-the-scenes look from one of our recent projects showcasing how we create the voice-over for our projects.